
Canoe Cove Association

To Promote the Ownership and Enjoyment of Boats Manufactured by Canoe Cove Manufacturing

Japan Magazine Article of 42 ft. Aft Cabin and Sport Sedan

I wish I could read Japanese. This article appeared in the March 1989 issue of Ocean Life, a publication widly circulated in Japan. It is a feature article on Canoe Cove, in particular, the 42' Tri Cabin and Sedan. What is apparant is the detail of the article. They photographed virtually every part of the boats and said quite a bit about each photo. I wish more boat articles had this much detail as the reader can really learn something. Ocean Life is mainly advertizing with a few boating stories, but it is a large magazine of 250 pages, which is much larger than we typically see here.

Click on the article page below:
 Japan Article Cover Page
Page 1, Japan Article
Page 2, Japan Article
Page 3, Japan Article
Page 4, Japan Article
Page 5, Japan Article